“Crack! Wham!" An acorn came crashing down as I walked beneath the oak trees that shaded my path. An acorn falls fast and is loud when it lands on the sidewalk. The story of Henny Penny came to mind. It was no wonder Henry Penny thought the sky was falling, I thought.
I ducked as another acorn narrowly missed me. Shielding my head with my arms, I hurried along, dodging the falling acorns from the branches above.
After experiencing the ferocious fall of the acorns, I could see why author Paul Galdone chose them as a symbol of life-altering events in his retelling of the folktale.
We have all experienced "sky-falling" moments when the ground beneath us shifts without warning. When it stops, what was familiar is replaced by an unfamiliar view, compelling us to adapt and navigate an unknown reality.
Henny Penny’s reaction to the acorn falling on her head illustrates a natural human response. When faced with unexpected changes, we often panic, try to control, or completely resist the uncertainty.
Sometimes, we cycle through all three. Whether we panic, fight, or resist, the tide of change continues to roll.
Henny Penny’s story begins like all sky-falling events: Suddenly and without warning. Her tale is a cautionary tale about the consequences of panic.
When the acorn first falls, processing it can feel complicated and overwhelming. We attempt to understand what happened or to accept something we never desired. Divorce, death, infertility, health challenges, and other hardships can leave us feeling lost in their unfairness—mourning the future we envisioned while struggling to let go of the life we once knew.
As a child, I always wondered what Henny Penny expected the King to do; now, I think perhaps she hoped he would fix everything—restoring her world to what it was before and allowing her to return home to, once again, peacefully gather corn from beneath the tree.
The hard truth is that no matter how much we wish to return to normal, there’s no going back to the time before the acorn fell.
Maybe it’s general anxiety, being the middle child, or perhaps I’ve faced too many moments when the sky felt like it was falling. But for as long as I can remember, I’ve had a knack for anticipating worst-case scenarios—and an even stronger belief that if I think hard enough, I can outsmart them.
I applied this instinct to my walk, believing I could decipher the random pattern of an acorn dropping from the tree. I shifted directions as soon as I heard the “snap.” In the same way, we try to anticipate and control the outcomes or consequences of change.
When I was seven, my brother told me that if an earthquake hit Northern California, San Francisco would fall into the ocean—taking our town with it. I imagined the worst: waves crashing, the sea swallowing everything. My stomach tightened. I had only one question: How would I survive?
I came up with a plan. Convinced the water couldn't reach me if I could get high enough, I went to our neighborhood park and headed to the tallest jungle gym. Gripping the metal bars, I climbed; the higher I went, the smaller the world beneath me became. Once at the top, I could see for miles—or at least it felt that way. I smiled. I had done it. I had outsmarted the ocean.
I climbed down and never worried about it again. But the truth is, I hadn’t changed anything at all—I had only created the illusion of control.
We tell ourselves we can foresee the acorns that may fall in our lives and formulate strategies to manage them. Whether we believe we can keep them in the trees or have a foolproof plan to lessen their impact, the truth is that no matter how well we anticipate what might happen, we cannot control what falls from the sky.
Adrian Monk, a famous TV detective, said, “ I have no problem with change; I just don’t want to be there when it happens.”
Not all changes are bad or unexpected; some are anticipated and longed for. Regardless of whether we welcome or fear it, change can bring uncertainty, which makes it challenging to interpret events or understand their far-reaching consequences.
As we navigate paths we have never walked, we, like Henny Penny, may panic or, like myself, attempt to control the events. Another option, like Adrian Monk, who prefers change to occur in his absence, we often try to resist it altogether.
History offers numerous accounts of this kind of resistance, none perhaps as tragic as that of Ignaz Semmelweis, MD.
Around the mid-19th century, Semmelweis, concerned about the high mortality rate of mothers and newborns in his hospital, observed that doctors moved between the morgue and the maternity ward without washing their hands. He proposed a simple yet unheard suggestion: if doctors washed their hands between patients, the death rate would drop.
The hospital adopted his idea, and mortality rates dropped significantly. Semmelweis anticipated that the medical community would accept his findings. Instead, they dismissed him, and his hospital revoked the handwashing policy between patients. Consequently, death rates rose once again—all because people resisted something that challenged their established beliefs.
Panic, the need for control, and resistance are common responses to change; however, they can also hinder our ability to adapt. We may feel we’re taking action, but as Ellen Glasgow — Pulitzer Prize winner for the Novel in 1942– said, “Not all change is growth, and not all movement is forward.” The challenge lies in navigating change in a way that allows us to grow and move in the right direction.
Navigating Change
Navigating change is challenging to discuss in general terms because it varies greatly, ranging from unbearable heartbreak to a long-awaited transformation. The nature of the event influences what we learn, the pace at which we proceed, and the time required for healing. Some “skyfalling” moments take a lifetime to navigate. Even when two people undergo the same event, their journey is uniquely theirs.
With this in mind, I don’t provide a formula or a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, consider these approaches tools for your toolbox—to sort, contemplate, reflect, and use as needed.
Instead of panicking, trying to control, or resisting change, we can be still, seek help, and accept what has happened.
Be Still
A powerful example of being still comes from the Bible when Jesus and His disciples sailed across the Sea of Galilee.
As the Savior slept, the winds shifted, the sea churned, and a violent storm battered their boat. As the storm raged, the disciples panicked. Terrified, they woke Jesus and cried, "Do You not care that we are perishing?"
This story has many layers, but I want to focus on this: with three words—"Peace, be still"—Jesus calmed the storm.
When the sky falls, we often feel isolated and forgotten, and might echo the disciples' question: “Do You not care?” But, I believe the Lord answered that question when He commanded the storm to "Be Still," which is both an answer and an invitation for all of us to “Be Still” and step into His Peace.
“Being Still” in the Lord means stepping into His presence instead of trying to pull Him into our chaos. Rather than laying out our list of what we need Him to fix, we lay down our burdens at His feet and listen.
In His stillness, we learn or better understand God’s plans and insights, gaining strength and a greater understanding of living with what we perceive as unendurable, unexpected, or unwanted change. When we are still with the Lord, He can bring us Peace.
Ask for help:
Asking others for help is not easy, but it is a vital tool for coping with change. I’ll admit, it’s hard for me. I’m hardwired to suffer in silence. But the more we keep to ourselves, the darker life feels, pulling us further away from the help we assume can’t be found.
We might wonder why we bother asking for help. After all, the consequences of change fall on us alone, and no one can undo what has happened. While that is true, others can still help bear the weight—providing us with strength when we feel weak, stability when our world is in chaos, and reminders that even when we feel alone, we are not.
Despite her panic, Henny Penny recognized the value of support and was courageous enough to seek help. Without reservation, her friends accepted her assessment, dropped what they were doing, and joined her quest.
Be brave enough to do the same. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Reach out to friends, family, or professionals. Trust your people. Henny Penny’s friends were her ride-or-die; they rallied to the cause and went on a quest to find the King without question. Surround yourself with those who will walk alongside you as well.
Accept What Has Happened:
Acceptance is a crucial tool for navigating change.
Dick Francis wrote a book in which the protagonist was a survival expert. His top tip was that if something goes wrong, the chances of survival rise dramatically when an injured person accepts what has happened. Instead of resisting, they can quickly assess the injury and apply the appropriate first aid.
The same applies to emotional wounds. Acceptance doesn’t mean you are saying, “It’s all better.” It means acknowledging what has happened so we can more clearly understand how to carry what we can’t outthink or outrun.
In one year, our nephew and his wife lost two of their children and two grandchildren to traumatic deaths. They spoke about the challenge of living with both love and loss, side by side, and the struggle of learning how to bear the heavy weight of grief.
They likened their loss – or any time we experience a sky-falling event - to carrying a backpack full of heavy rocks. With every event, more rocks go into the backpack, and we have to shift the weight, adjust the straps, and find a new way to carry it until we can bear the new load.
The consequences of their sky-falling events will continue to unfold throughout their lives, but acknowledging the extra weight—accepting what has happened—allows them to keep moving forward.
Foxy Loxy And The Traps That Keep Us Stuck
When we face change, what feels like the most challenging part is the moment the sky falls—the event itself. But in reality, what keeps us stuck are the mental and emotional traps that follow.
In the story, Foxy Loxy pretends to help Henny Penny, but his true goal is to lead her and her friends into danger. He was a trap disguised as a solution.
Change comes with Foxy Loxy traps—thoughts that seem rational but keep us ensnared. These traps—although not as cute as Foxy Loxy—have names:
Tempest in a Teacup
Navigating change can feel overwhelming, chaotic, and out of our control. In these moments, a practical assessment of what happened can help us to move through the change better. We can pause and ask ourselves a vital question: Is the sky falling, or is this just an acorn?
While some moments require immediate action, not all do. Imagine what Henny Penny and her friends might have realized if one of them had paused for just a moment. The acorn didn’t determine Henny Penny’s fate; her reaction to it did.
Why Me?
The unfairness of change can feel overwhelming, drawing us into a continuous cycle of self-pity. However, remaining in this trap keeps us mired in resentment rather than moving toward a resolution. Accepting change is moving past the "why me?" mindset. Sometimes, there aren't any rational answers to that question. So many choices and events lead up to the acorn dropping. It takes a lot of strength and faith to leave that question behind and instead concentrate on managing the change.
Why Not Someone Else?
A trap within a trap—it's easy to slip into comparison and judgment when we ask, "Why not someone else?" opening space to envy a life that is not our own.
I once heard a talk in church where a man shared the trials his family had endured—his job loss, his wife's cancer scare, and struggles with their children. As he continued his talk, one by one, every trial was miraculously resolved. He found a new job, his wife didn't have cancer, and his children overcame their challenges. "Does everyone get a happily ever after but me?" is the thought this trap whispers in our minds.
When we focus on what others have, we miss the miracles in our own lives. Comparison keeps envy in our sights, not the burdens others carry behind the scenes.
Comparison is a trap that never moves us forward—only deeper into frustration. Let it go.
Sinking in Place
This trap doesn’t just keep you stuck; it gradually pulls you under. While stillness is sometimes necessary, there comes a time when we need to move—even if it’s just one small step at a time. Those small steps will be individual to the change, but they might include the tools of acceptance, being still, and asking for help.
The Positive Side of Change
We often think of change as a sudden, one-time event. We say, “There—then. That’s when the sky fell.” From that moment, the acorn divides our lives into before and after.
But change didn’t begin or end the moment the sky fell. Change is an act of creation—constantly evolving, sometimes unnoticed, yet always in motion—reshaping us in ways we have yet to understand.
Change is layered and complex—sometimes welcome, sometimes unwanted—always bringing consequences. Some are immediately clear, while others take a lifetime to unravel. What we once thought we wanted may not meet our expectations, while what we initially resisted can transform into an unexpected blessing.
While sky-falling events can be heartbreaking, the creative cycle of change brings new perspectives, heightened empathy, and a more profound commitment to helping others. Change allows us to resolve past regrets, explore new experiences, alter our lifestyles, revisit old values, or establish new ones.
But to witness or understand the movement of change, we must move with it. We must do what Henny Penny didn’t—we must look up.
If Henny Penny - or any of her friends- had taken a minute to look up, they would have seen that the sky was not falling but still safely above them.
So often, like Henny Penny, we often become so fixated on what is in front of us that we are blind to any other perspectives. For Henny Penny, it was her panic to see the King; perhaps for us, it might be the day-to-day distractions that rob our time and energy and keep us concentrating on what is right in front of us. But taking time to “look up” figuratively and literally can strengthen us.
I enjoy going to the zoo. When I lived in Texas, I often visited in the winter because of the milder temperatures. Even so, there were days when the air was crisp and chilly. On those days, I loved to sit on a bench—usually across from the zebras—and tilt my face toward the sky, finding the sun, closing my eyes, and letting its warmth soak in. It never failed to chase away the cold and make me smile.
Like the sun offers warmth on a chilly day, so does the Son of God offer comfort in our times of upheaval. If we look up in faith, His light can bring peace, healing, and an outpouring of love and strength—carrying us through the cycles of change.
An edited Google Synopsis of Henny Penny (aka Chicken Little)
Henny Penny, also known as Chicken Little in the U.S., is a classic European folktale dating back to the early 19th century.
The tale follows Henny Penny, a small hen struck on the head by a falling acorn while gathering corn one morning. Mistaking it as a sign that the sky is falling, she panics and sets out to warn the King. Along the way, she convinces several other animals—such as Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, and Turkey Lurkey—to join her in spreading the alarming news.
However, their blind fear leads them straight into danger when they encounter Foxy Loxy, a cunning fox who pretends to help but instead lures them into his den—where, in many versions, they meet their grim fate.
Over the years, Henny Penny has been adapted in various forms, including literature, theater, and animated films, each putting their spin on the timeless lesson.
Ellen Glasgow: "All change is not growth; as all movement is not forward" | Aphorismes et Phrases en Anglais.